After selecting Willing Webcam at my preferred weather web camera software, I did the following initial configuration:
- Video Device – I first selected the Logitech C910 as the video camera. I also set the resolution at 1280×720. I set the Location for longitude and latitude. I set the time zone offset and a –60 for the sunrise and a +60 for the sunset.
- Preferences – I selected JPG at 100. I also selected to Start with Windows and Minimize on Start.
- Text Caption – I entered the text to be “Woicik Weather Camera” at a vertical position of 10 and a horizontal position of 10. I set the font size to 18 with a color of blue and a background of white.
- Time Caption – I set the format to be “MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm am/pm” at a vertical position of 40 and a horizontal position of 10. I set the font size to 18 with a color of blue and a background of white.
- FTP Upload – I entered the Server, Username and Password information. I entered a filename of “woicik_weather.jpg” I set a Cycle of 5 minutes and enabled binding. I set the schedule to be from sunrise to sunset all week.
- Time Lapse – I checked to create a new file every day and a file name of “woicik_weather.avi”. I set a Cycle of 1 minute and enabled binding. I set the Compress to be “MS Video 1”. I selected filename format to “use time” with a time format of “yyyymmdd”. I set the schedule to be from sunrise to sunset all week.
I enabled FTP and Lapse and starting monitoring the work. Everything worked great. I did notice the CPU was being heavily used when the software was visible but was reduced when I minimized the software. I still needed to figure out a mounting system and tweak the Willing Camera settings but it works like this is one I will purchase.