Woicik Weather Camera at https://woicik.com
Changes to WeatherLink Sample HTML Templates
The first change I wanted to add was the date and time of the weather data. I looked at the Help file and found the list of WeatherLink HTML tags. I found the Date and Time tags – <!—date—> and <!—time—>. I added them at the top along with some break tags (<br />). I added them to the HTX files and allowed the 5 minute upload to occur. I then noticed that I should update the title tag for SEO reasons along with adding a description and keyword tags.
I next wanted to add some moon info. I found the weather tags and also noticed there was a forecast tag. So, I added both to a new HTX file and tested it. It uploaded fine to the web site. I integrated the information into an existing web page.
woicik_weather 20120402
Woicik Weather Camera at https://woicik.com
woicik_weather 20120401
Woicik Weather Camera at https://woicik.com
woicik_weather 20120329
Woicik Weather Camera at https://woicik.com