Woicik Weather Camera at https://woicik.com
Monthly Archives: January 2014
woicik_weather 20140129
Woicik Weather Camera at https://woicik.com
woicik_weather 20140128
Woicik Weather Camera at https://woicik.com
Moving WeatherLink to a new computer
My current weather computer is Windows XP. With the end of support just a few months away, I decided I should update the computer. I had another old computer that would support Windows 7. The OS installation went fine. I did a Google search and found an article on how to move the WeatherLink station files. This went fine and things looked okay. However, I had changed the hard drive configuration so the folder paths needed to be changed. I found all the places and then everything seemed to be working. I did notice one slight issue. I thought the files weren’t upgrading since the file dates didn’t change but they were newer files when I looked on the website. Not sure if that was some Windows 7 issue but technically nothing wrong.
woicik_weather 20140127
Woicik Weather Camera at https://woicik.com