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Monthly Archives: February 2012
How to configure WeatherLink with a Vantage Vue?
My Vantage Vue weather station is made by Davis Instruments. In order to transfer the data from the Vantage Vue console unit, you need to purchase their WeatherLink device which includes the data logger and software. I purchased the USB version from Ambient Weather.
Here are the steps I did to configure WeatherLink with a Vantage Vue:
- Install the software from the CDROM
- Install the data logger
- The manual states to put the console in Setup Mode to save the current daily weather data to memory.
- The manual also states to remove both the power cord and batteries to prevent damage to the data logger.
- Station Setup
- Start WeatherLink and create a new station.
- Setup Walkthrough – Take the defaults except for:
- Set Communication Port to USB and Test
- Auto Download – Select All at a 5 minute offset
- Set elevation
- Archive Interval – 1 minute
- Set Latitude and Longitude
The WeatherLink Getting Started manual doesn’t provide much guidance on Setup Walkthrough or what to do next. However, the online Help file does appear to be very complete. It is a typical Help file and goes through every Menu and Toolbar command. I will list my settings below as I went through the Help file.
- File Menu –> Download
- How to manually download records
- File Menu –> View Log
- Good to check if the Auto Download is working
- Report Menu –> NOAA Setup
- Enter City, State, Elevation, Latitude and Longitude
- Enter Normal Mean Temperature and Precipitation
- This information can be found on Weather.com for cities by going to the monthly tab and then the Averages and finally the Table Display.
- Reports –> Yearly Rainfall
- Create rain database
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Woicik Weather Camera at https://woicik.com