Woicik Web Site
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Current Weather Forecast
Our site contains the following projects:
Woicik Weather is a series of web pages. The main page contains radar images, a summary of temperature, wind, and rain along with a forecast from the National Weather Service. There are additional pages that show multiple radar images, multiple forecasts, advisories, almanac data from the weather station and NOAA reports. There is also a sun and moon almanac, local earthquake activity and nearby METAR reports. The template was created by Saratoga-Weather.org.
WeatherLink.com is a dashboard of the Woicik Weather station's data. Here is a weather summary.
Woicik Weather Camera is a current image of the weather outside our backyard. The image is taken with a software program called Willing Webcam using a QuickCam C910. The image is updated every 5 minutes during daylight hours. The web page has auto refresh features that refreshes every 60 seconds. The weather image currently show the date and time.
Woicik Weather BloomSky is a weather station with an wide-angle camera mounted outdoors. The station measures temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and precipitation detection. The station sends a new image to a cloud server along with creating a daily time lapse. The weather station can be connected to IFTTT to cause events to occur due to changes in data. There is a dashboard for device owner's. The BloomSky data and image can also be seen in a horizontal and vertical format.
Woicik Current Weather Conditions contains current weather conditions for temperature, humidity, dew point, wind, barometer, rain, rain rate, storm total, monthly rain, yearly rain, wind chill, THW index and heat index. Additional, the today's high and low are displayed for temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed, barometer, rain rate, wind chill and heat index. This information is also display in graphs. The information is updated every 5 minutes.
Woicik Weather History contains the monthly and yearly highs and lows for temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed, barometer, rain, rain rate, wind chill and heat idea. Additionally, 1 week history graphs are displayed for temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed, wind direction, high wind speed, high wind direction, barometer, rain, rain rate, wind chill and heat index.
Woicik Weather Video Blog contains daily time-lapse videos also created by Willing Webcam using a QuickCam C910. The software take an image every 1 minute and combines them into a time-lapse video during daylight hours. The videos are automatically uploaded to YouTube using GoogleCL. A WordPress plugin called Automatic YouTube Video Posts monitors my YouTube channel and automatically creates a new video post when a new video is posted. I then call out any unique videos in a post. Unfortunately, Google abandoned GoogleCL so I had to find another technique. Vimeo uploads from a Dropbox account. It is supposed to be automatic but isn't working consistently. I next found a WordPress plugin called Vimeo Videos which will automatically create posts when new content is added to your Vimeo account. I then found that Zapier had an option to transfer from Dropbox to YouTube so using that now.
Woicik Sunset Time-Lapse is a collection of sunset time-lapse videos. The videos are taken with a Canon T3i and an intervalometer. The intervalometer controls taking an image every few seconds. To control changing the exposure (aperture, shutter and ISO), the Canon is connected to a Nexus 7 tablet running an app called qDslrDashboard. The app automatically changes the exposure settings.
Weather Links is a collection of weather websites that I find interesting or helpful.
Favorite Weather Videos are some of my favorite time-lapsed weather videos.
Woicik Weather Articles are some useful blog posts about weather at Clear Sky Tonight.
Woicik Minecraft Server is our Minecraft server.
Also check out our other website:
Clear Sky Tonight (clearskytonight.com) - Clear Sky Tonight (CST) is an astronomy community for the rest of us. It is a place to learn about astronomy and discuss astronomy with others who share your interest. It is also a place learn more about our web and mobile applications and use the Astronomy Calculator.

Also check out our other website:
Clear Sky Tonight (clearskytonight.com) - Clear Sky Tonight (CST) is an astronomy community for the rest of us. It is a place to learn about astronomy and discuss astronomy with others who share your interest. It is also a place learn more about our web and mobile applications and use the Astronomy Calculator.
Check out the website for Lisa Woicik and Matt Woicik.
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